Monday, October 1, 2012

Reading Logs!

Today my first graders brought books home for the first time!  They choose a book to bring home each day from their individual books bins that they read from doing reading workshop.  Their book bins are filled with about ten books of their "choice," which are either at their independent or instructional reading level.  At the end of the workshop the pick out a book to practice reading again at home, and return to school the next day.

So, today we also started reading logs!  I attach the reading log to their homework pack, which goes home every Monday and comes back to school the following Monday.  The kids color in a smiley face for each day they read and write the title of a book they read.  I also have them do one readers response a week!  

Below is a link to a copy of my Reading Log!  It works great for me!  Enjoy!

~ Jillian


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