Tuesday, October 2, 2012

New CVC Word GAME! Don't Spill the APPLES!

We have been busy, busy working on building, tapping, blending, and reading simple Consonant-Vowel-Consonant words, along with Unit 2 in first grade FUNdations!  So, I came up with a new game where students can practice tapping out and reading CVC words.

Don’t Spill the Apples is a fun game that will help your student’s practice reading CVC words!  Word cards are put in an “apple basket” and students take turns pulling apple cards out of the basket, read them aloud and keep them in a pile.  If a WHOOPS card is pulled, they have “spilled” their apples and must return all their apples to the “basket!”

You can purchase DON’t SPILL THE APPLES in my TpT store by clicking the picture below!  Enjoy!

~ Jillian Coster

1 comment:

  1. your class seems so fun and creative! i'm so impressed. hope my kids can have mrs. coster some day.
